Unrestricted Donation

Your support of The Mustique Charitable Foundation is both essential and truly appreciated.
100% of every dollar goes directly to MCF’s programs, so every gift really counts.
If using PayPal, your donation to us will be net of PayPal’s 2.2% + $0.30 fee.
Please consider increasing the amount of your donation to cover the PayPal fee.
Find out more about our Giving options below:
How to Make a Gift
You can support the Mustique Charitable Foundation in many ways: through unrestricted giving, restricted current use giving, and endowed gifts. However you choose to support Mustique Charitable Foundation, and at whatever level, your generosity is both essential and truly appreciated.
100% of every dollar goes directly to the Mustique Charitable Foundation’s programs, so every gift really counts.
You can make gifts to the Mustique Charitable Foundation in many different ways. Options include cash, checks, credit card payments, wire transfers, and gifts of marketable securities.
You can make a gift to the Mustique Charitable Foundation in the form of cash, check, credit card – through PayPal, or wire transfer.
Checks should be made payable to “The Mustique Charitable Foundation” and mailed to
The Mustique Charitable Foundation
PO Box 20616
New York,
NY 10021
For credit card payments or bank transfers please visit Donate
A gift of appreciated securities that you have held for more than one year is frequently the most economical way to give. You will be eligible to take a Federal income tax deduction equal to the fair market value of the stock on the date of the gift for up to 30 percent of your adjusted gross income and will not have to recognize the appreciation as capital gain. Following is specific information about how to give securities or mutual fund shares to the Mustique Charitable Foundation:
Securities held by your bank or broker
Please notify your bank or broker that you are making a gift of securities to the Mustique Charitable Foundation and instruct your bank or broker to e-mail info@mustiquefoundation.org for instructions. Securities held by you Please send unendorsed certificates by mail, along with a letter giving your name, address, and indicating that you are making a donation to the Mustique Charitable Foundation:
The Mustique Charitable Foundation
PO Box 20616
New York,
NY 10021
In a separate envelope, please mail to the same address a stock power for each certificate, along with a copy of your letter. Do not complete any information on the stock power other than your signature and the date and obtain a medallion signature guarantee. If the certificate represents a greater number of shares than you intend to give to the Mustique Charitable Foundation, please enclose a note requesting the return of a new stock certificate with the non-gift balance and include your social security number, full name, address, and phone number.
Your bank or broker can supply you with blank stock powers. For most expedient handling, do not fill in the Mustique Charitable Foundation’s name as transferee on either the stock certificate or the stock power, and please do not send stock certificates to a transfer agent for transfer into the Mustique Charitable Foundation’s name.
Mutual fund shares
The procedure for transferring shares is established by the mutual fund company,. Please contact your mutual fund company and ask them to provide you with the appropriate letters of instruction.
The Mustique Charitable Foundation’s Federal Tax Identification Number: 26-3084333
Many employers sponsor matching gift programs in which employers will match charitable contributions made by their employees to eligible nonprofit organizations. If your company has such a program, request a matching gift form from your employer’s personnel/human resources department, and send it completed and signed with your gift to:
The Mustique Charitable Foundation
PO Box 20616
New York,
NY 10021
Some companies match gifts made by retirees and/or employees’ spouses. (The Mustique Charitable Foundation’s Federal Tax ID: 26-3084333)
Leadership Giving

Glenconner Society
- Annual meeting with the Chairman of the Board and the Prime Minister of St. Vincent and the Grenadines
- Annual briefing on the work of the MCF and the state of affairs of St. Vincent and the Grenadines
- Annual visit to the MCF project sites in St. Vincent
- The right to name any scholarship fund to which you contribute $10,000
- Invitation to the annual reception in New York
- Copy of the annual newsletter
- Listing as a member of the Glenconner Society in the newsletter and website
Anyone who reaches an aggregate of $1 million in donations to the Mustique Charitable Foundation will be recognized as a lifetime member of the Glenconner Society.
Glenconner Society Members
Tatiana and Gerret Copeland
Kathy and William Doyle
Karen and Hamish Easton
Armand G. Erpf Fund
Melissa and Gregory Fleming
DS Fredericks and Eli Zabar
Lorna and Edwin Goodman
Jocelin G. Hamblett
Dee and Tommy Hilfiger
Mary Lawrence
Peter Lynch
Shelly and Anthony Malkin
Bruce and Jim Murray
Sarah and Craig Richardson
Elena and Scott Shleifer
The Stroll Family
Yvonne and Brock J. Vinton
Nancy Young and Paul Ford
Annual Fund
The annual fund provides current support for the Mustique Charitable Foundation’s programs. Many employers give generously to non-profit foundations by matching employee’s charitable contributions.
- Annual briefing on the work of the MCF and the state of affairs of St. Vincent and the Grenadines
- Annual visit to the MCF project sites in St. Vincent
- The right to name any scholarship fund to which you contribute $10,000
- Invitation to the annual reception in New York
- Listing as a Sustaining Member on the website
- Annual briefing on the work of the MCF and the state of affairs of St. Vincent and the Grenadines
- Annual visit to the MCF project sites in St. Vincent
- The right to name any scholarship fund to which you contribute $10,000
- Invitation to the annual reception in New York
- Listing as a Patron on the website
- Annual visit to the MCF project sites in St. Vincent
- Invitation to the annual reception in New York
- Listing as a Sponsor on the website
- Annual visit to the MCF project sites in St. Vincent
- Invitation to the annual reception in New York
- Listing as a Benefactor on the website
- Annual visit to the MCF project sites in St. Vincent
- Invitation to the annual reception in New York
- Listing as a Supporter on the website
- Invitation to the annual reception in New York
- Listing as a Friend on the website
If you are interested in Leadership Giving, please click here
Creating a Legacy
Please consider making a legacy gift to The Mustique Charitable Foundation. For many of us, Mustique has been an important part of our lives. A legacy gift is a lasting tribute to the people of St. Vincent and the Grenadines who granted us the opportunity to create this unique community and whose citizens help make it possible.
Your legacy can take the form of a bequest to MCF in your will or trust or you can name MCF as a beneficiary of your IRA or life insurance policy.
There are several benefits to leaving assets to MCF:
Your commitment today costs you nothing during your lifetime.
Other heirs of your estate will not be taxed on the portion that MCF receives when the bequest is realized.
Your estate may benefit from a charitable deduction.
You will leave a powerful legacy to the people of St. Vincent and the Grenadines and inspire others who share a commitment to MCF.
Bequests can be made with cash, securities, real estate, or other property. You may designate a specific dollar amount, a particular asset, a fixed percentage of your entire estate, or leave your residuary estate after you have provided for loved ones.
Endowed Giving
What are endowed gifts?
Donors who choose to make endowed gifts can direct their support toward a specific purpose that matches their personal interests with the mission of the Mustique Charitable Foundation to help those Vincentians who are in need. Such purposes include scholarships and healthcare initiatives. Endowed gifts may also lead to recognition opportunities, which honor or memorialize a person of the donor’s choosing. Endowed gifts fall into the following categories:
Endowment Gifts
Gifts toward endowment are put in an independent fund, and the income from the gift is directed toward a purpose selected by the donor. Only the income from the principal is expended in accordance with the Mustique Charitable Foundation’s spending rule in effect from time to time, so that the gift continues in perpetuity, helping to safeguard achievement of the Mustique Charitable Foundation’s mission against changing economic climates. Endowment opportunities include scholarships and healthcare initiatives. The minimum endowment gift is $100,000.
Restricted current use gifts
Restricted current use funds are directed toward a purpose designated by the donor consistent with the Mustique Charitable Foundation’s mission, such as scholarships. The principal of a current use gift is depleted over a specified term.