Barrouallie Technical Institute Graduation Ceremony 2023
Barrouallie Technical Institute and The Mustique Charitable Foundation Handover Ceremony for 2023-2024 Grant/Loan Project & 2022-2023 Graduation Ceremony
The ceremony of the handing over of tools and equipment to 5 trainees in The Mustique Charitable Foundation (MCF)/Barrouallie Technical Institute (BarTech) Grant/Loan Project as well as the 2022-2023 Graduation Ceremony took place on September 27, 2023.
The Grant/Loan Project continues to be made possible by a grant from MCF and this year enabled five (5) trainees from six (3) specialty areas to receive tools and equipment to start their own business after completing training at BarTech. The specialty areas chosen for this Project are Garment Production, Aquaculture & Crop Production and Commercial Food Preparation & Cookery.
As both of the Handover Ceremony and 2023 Graduation were combined, Mustique Charitable Foundation (MCF) was also pleased to witness thirty (30) trainees from academic year 2023-2024 who were awarded MCF Partial Scholarships, successfully graduated from their respective programs. The programs offered for this academic year included Aquaculture & Crop Production, Food & Drinks Service, Food Preparation, Garment Production and Housekeeping.
Natalia Gill (MCF Project Director) stated that Technical Institutes continue to play an integral part in the Vincentian economy. She reminded students that there will always be a place for persons in technical, skill-based fields and that technically trained individuals are very valuable to the development of St. Vincent and the Grenadines.
The Mustique Charitable Foundation is extremely proud of the academic success of the thirty (30) awardees for the 2022-2023 school year and anticipates similar success for the forty-two (42) trainees who received MCF Partial Scholarships for the 2023-2024 school year.